Story & Song, Whistle & Hum, All the Day Long!

At, 8:17 am this morning, June 15, 2012, the first Mary Story was officially published! I couldn’t wait until 9. The excitement and anticipation were just too much. I am only Grandpa Jim and I love stories.

A surprise resides in “Mary and the Mud Pie Wedding Reception.” You are the first to hear, outside the family of course, an original song by an emerging young artist who twirls and poses very well herself in those wedding clothes. I have seen her do just that and I can attest she is a joy to watch.

You may be prompted by your computer or smart phone to download some software to play the song. I have done it a couple times and it always works. Please let me know that you can hear the music. It is a treat.


Start your Friday with a Story and a Song and you will be Whistling and Humming All the Day Long.

We care about you,

Grandpa Jim and All of Us Here at Uncle Joe Stories

Dog Runs, Gals Visiting and Coils Found

Middle of the week greetings, I hope the day finds you doing quite nicely indeed,

Cloud cover and cool this morning, it is quite pleasant. I’m waiting on the call that the new coils have been found for the inside air conditioning unit.

Yesterday afternoon with the air out, I felt why the early settlers to Texas built “dog-run” log cabins. The dog-run cabin is really two log cabins separated by a covered breezeway. The breezeway provides a shaded area for the cooling breezes to circulate between the cabins. The name derives from the fact that the dogs loved to sleep there. In the summer, I bet a few family members found it more comfortable out there than in the bedroom, which had a door to the dog run, as all the rooms did, but tended not to have windows, so no cross breeze in bed. For one and all, the coolest and most comfortable location was the dog run. Move over, Fido.

In the mid-1800’s, dog-run cabins could be found throughout Texas. In fact, the dog-run design was used on the frontier through the US and into Canada. I still see a few around, most hauled in from the country, prettied up, and stocked with bows, bangles and trinkets to attract customers to the weekend fairs and festivals that are prevalent in Texas for much of the year. Salado is my favorite Texas cowboy town to walk the shops, talk to the folks, and have a cold soda in a tastefully decorated dog-run. If only those settlers could see us now. I bet they’d sit right down, marvel at our pops and have a nice long talk.

Things change, but in some ways not much at all.

Come visit.  We’ll save a place for you.

Grandpa Jim

PS: Don’t forget Mary and the Young Gals are visiting Friday. I wonder what they will be doing?

PPS: The coils are in! I can feel the dog-run breezes already.

Ice Today, Sisters Friday

It’s official. Summer is here. The inside A/C unit froze solid as a rock yesterday. We hit 100 and it turned to ice. Actually, it’s kind of fun. I opened up the house this morning, nice breezes, and now I am outside typing on the laptop on the balcony watching the joggers on the trail and listening to the birds and the dogs. Haven’t seen any bees.

Summer is travel time with family and friends. I changed the website title to acknowledge and to encourage you to read and tell stories and tales in your cars, on the plane, and at the hotel, resort or vacation destination. If you see Grandpa or Grandma, ask for one of theirs — those are special.

More stories are on the way. The first story with Mary and the seven sisters will be posted this Friday morning at 9 am my time — keep your fingers crossed and knock on wood. I have to do the rewrites next and get them by the reviewers. The second Uncle Joe story just came back from the copy editor and I have more work to do, but I am very excited. It has a completely new “character.” No hints. You will have to wait and see.  This second Uncle Joe story will be published right here at 9 am on June 29th (it’s supposed to be the 1st, but I am going on vacation the next morning).

Of course, you can always read and re-read “Uncle Joe and the Haunted House.”  It gets better the second and third times. I think I’ve read, told or heard that story a hundred times, and I see something new each time.

Sorry, I moved “Uncle Joe and the Haunted House” back under Uncle Joe Stories so the front page could blog the excitement about the Mary story on Friday! I can’t help tinkering, so Uncle Joe will probably move back and forth. Uncle Joe does not stay in one place very long. He is a busy farmer.

Good times and safe travels,

Grandpa Jim

Email me any time at

Birthdays Past and Sisters Soon — Stay Tuned!!!!!!!

An exciting Monday to you all.

On Saturday, Ms. Christine’s 82nd Birthday Bash went off wonderfully.  The food and company were outstanding, as they always are at family gatherings.  Uncle Joe and brothers Charles and John fried the fish, hush puppies, french fries and jalapeno poppers.  Everyone brought something.  The sides (that I remember and I am sure there were more) were potato salad, coleslaw, cooked carrots, spinach and artichoke casserole, fresh-make bread and three different types of home-made pickles (all canned in the last month).  For dessert, the guest of honor had her choice of cakes and cherry foo-foo salad (one of my favorites).  I could not move and had to sit around and chat and drink sweet tea for at least two hours to recover, as did all the party.

A special treat was a pop-in visit from Ms. Christine’s 76-year old nephew, Frankie.  He regaled the birthday girl and everyone else with tales.  I particularly liked the one of a young 6-year old Christine rocking her active nephew back and forth in an old red wagon to entice him to sleep.  I don’t think Frankie has slowed down since, and I think he has fond memories of that wagon.

Another special treat is on your way.  The first “Mary” story will be published this Friday, June 15th.  “Uncle Joe and the Haunted House” will stay on the front page until his sister and her sisters make their debut.  Put it on your calendar.  It’s not often you get to meet seven sisters at one time.

Dont’ race, keep the pace, the week has started,

Grandpa Jim