Goofy, The Agile Scrum Master: The Good, The Bad & The Bugly — Of Dogs, Ducks & Mice


An interval of silence interrupted them.

Goofy ran for the door, hammer in hand, and smashed.


Bugs have been with us forever.


“Does this happen often?”

“What? Oh, sorry. Gosh, no. Yes, I mean sometimes. Where were we?”

“The third question: ‘Why do you think you’d be good at this job?’”

“Right, yep. Let me see now. People say I make them laugh.”

“You’re applying for the position of Agile Scrum Master.”

“That’s it. Yep. And I’m agile. I sure am. That’s me.”


To be “agile” is to be able to move quickly. To be an “Agile” leader in software product development is to practice the “Agile methodology” to facilitate a team to exchange information and quickly accomplish certain defined short-term goals. Think of a pack of rugby players pushing, changing and self-organizing to advance the ball. That’s a “scrum” in the parlance of the rugby game. It is fast moving and adaptive and, at the same time, quite a nice mess. The Agile Product Scrum Master manages the development process, sort of like the coach signaling time, calling the players to the side and quickly allowing the exchange of information without slowing the overall progress toward the goal. You know, we’re all enjoying the products of Agile Scrums today. Simply check your phones, pads and computers for the frequent deliveries of new software updates. Those are the products of the scrumming process, the quick development and delivery of new software products, and that’s what the Scrum Master manages so well.


“Mr. Goofy, are you there?”

“Uh? Uh . . . Uh . . .”

“You seem to be thinking?”

“Think . . . Yep, I was watching a scrum – in my mind. About to call time. Get the team together. Exchange some ideas.”

“Excellent, excellent. That’s just what we’re looking for.”


Goofy has been at this for a long time. He first arrived on the scene in 1932, and he had a bunch to learn. First, he had to get younger and lose the beard. In those earlier scrum cartoons, he was foolish and harmlessly eccentric. With time, he started thinking and acting younger and moving faster. He would always be one of Disney’s most loved characters, and he worked to make the transition from black and white, to color cartoons, TV, movies, cable, hand-held gaming and beyond. I like to think of Goofy as strong, resourceful, plucky and goofy.


“Wonderful. We’ll see you Thursday then.”

“Yes and yep. I’ll be there. . . . Hey! I see you!”


Goofy grabbed the hammer, jerked back and launched the missile through the air, smashing with a deafening crash, deep into the drywall.


“Got ‘em that time. Gotta’ be quick with bugs. Ya’ sure do.”


It is estimated that there are 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) insects on our planet today. That is a bunch of bugs, but nowhere near the number of bugs inhabiting our software at this very moment. Most are harmless and hardly noticed. There are those, though, that can smash a party and send the guests screaming onto stools, and there are those, even worse, who can crash your operating systems with the blue screens of death. Those are the bugs to be dealt with swiftly and effectively by an Agile Scrum Master and his fast-moving Team. That’s what a Scrum does best, and every Scrum needs a good Scrum Master.


“I get it! You are a genius, Mr. Goofy. What a brilliant exhibition of scrumming. You are exactly the dog for the job. You’ve taught me and those old bugs some new tricks today. Yes, Mr. Goofy, you certainly have. We’ll see you Thursday.”


The recruiter ducked under the hammer protruding from the wall and exited with a smile.


“Yep. I always make ‘em laugh.”




The Days of the Mall: The Mall of Mid-Winter, Gandalf & Strider, The Mall Tree, Tiny Mall Orchid, Yellow Alien Orchid, Pink Panda Ninja Orchid, Denimed Right Knee, Cactus Dreaming & Cactus Dagger — A Sleeping Beauty

Now are the Days of The Mall.

As Gandalf lowers the crown to the head of Strider — now King of Gondor, who mumbles a healing song, we hear the soft call in the cool breeze, turn, lift the keys to the car, amble to our transportation and leisurely head to the vast indoor arena of merchandising known in our world as The Mall.

The Mall of Mid-Winter is a comfort, peace and retreat from the rushed wars of the holidays past. Along the long cloistered halls is a noisy lull between the seasons. No grand events are scheduled. The prelude with little anticipation draws a welcome sigh. We go not so much to shop as to wander, wait and watch. A covered coffee in one hand, we sit – gelato in the other, by a shooting fountain, catching sigh of a rainbow in the floating spray above. We brush between the racks of the 65%-off and more sales. The items are more given than purchased. There is no real pressure to buy, and the clerks are smiling. These are the days without a name, The Days of the Mall. Our hearts soar to find so meaningless and meaningful the mindless activity of focused inactivity, and we say a silent prayer that The Mall should always find it so.

Exiting a departmented store, we glimpse The Mall Tree silent in its graceful soaring, naturally ornamented without pretense of false tinsel. Our fingers reach to a pocket with the temptation to write “organic” on a sticky note and affix the title to the base of the botanical wonder.











At our passing, the gaping maw of Tiny Mall Orchid yawns more lap dog at our heels than bark to drive our traffic to the nearest shop.











Even the squinting alien housed in Yellow Alien Orchid is content to offer no real menace at this time of honored amnesty.












Pink Panda Ninja Orchid wings a smile, its chomping teeth at rest until the flags of frenzied flusterment are again unfurled and the recumbent shoppers arouse and launch their next real assault at the retail mart.









On a comforted chair outside a dressing room, we enjoy the rest of Denimed Right Knee — little surprised when our partner emerges not to buy a thing.











With soft white Cactus Dreaming, we bench our ship and gaze without aim at the distant galaxies.











Cactus Dagger on spindle top does not our rest to ruin. We awaken from pause and reverie to the busy bustle of castle mall and the walk of royalty with no need to mend.











One day soon these things will change. Dark rush will again invade these halls. Til’ then, it is good to know that quiet can touch and calm even the most busy of battlefields near our homes.

Still, there can be a sleeping beauty, and it may be good on future trips to be careful about the gaping maw of Tiny Mall Orchid, the spindle tip of Cactus Dagger and all the others.

They may now appear at rest, but a careful shopper is cautious always.

Enjoy the mall — what it can offer and all its risks.


Grandpa Jim