White Smoke In Rome, White Knight In Nome — Musher And Pope Finish First Together – What a Race!!

I just got the text — at 1:10 pm Dallas, Texas Time:


The first white smoke reached the sky at 1:06.

A new Pope has been chosen.

The TV is on.

We’re waiting to see and hear.

St. Peter’s Square is going crazy with exitement and anticipation.

As you will read below, the Iditarod champion was named earlier this moring in Nome.

The hoped for headline from yesterday’s blog has become reality:

 Musher and Pope Finish First Together – What a Race!!

Wow and Double Wow. We are all waiting for the Pope to appear on the balcony overlooking St. Peter’s Square. 100,000 people are waiting there. Millions are watching around the world.

In an age of uncertainty and risk,

White burning ballots new adventure bring .

Excitement is in the air.

Who will it be? Who will it be? Who will it be?

Least expected is the most unexpected

And the most unexpected is just that.

Can’t wait.

It will surprise us yet.

A humble and holy man — Pope Francis. He just greeted the world with the simple prayer of children and faithful everywhere: The Our Father. Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina is the first pope from Latin America. A simple man — in Buenos Aires he lives in a single room, takes public transportation and cooks his own meals. The son of an Italian immigrant, Cardinal Bergoglio is known for his committtment to the poor, as St. Francis was in his life. The voice of the poor, archbishop of  Buenos Aires, a Jesuit described by his colleagues as a saint, Pope Francis is a new and quiet voice of peace to a world waiting for a kind and understanding touch.

The race in Rome is decided, and I think we will all be the better for its outcome.


Now, back to the race in Nome.

MItch wins!

Mitch Seavey wins the Iditarod!

At 12:22 am and 39 seconds early this morning Alaskan time – “on a clear brisk night in Nome,” Mitch crossed under the victory arch and claimed the 2013 title of Iditarod dog sled race champion. Just 24 seconds later (count them and that is not much difference for a race of 1,000 miles) – at 12:23 am and 3 seconds, Aliy Zirkle glided home for second place.

I like to think that as soon as Mitch claimed the title, he jumped from his sled and turned to waive Aliy and her team across the finish line.

The Champion finishes first with the gait,

Who turns to wave the winners through the gate.

Thank you, Mitch for a race well run and one graciously won.

As has been said, there are only winners who finish this race. Aliy gave it her best and I bet she’ll be back next year to try again. She and the others at the finish and those tired mushers pushing with their teams for Nome are all the winners. I am sure Mitch, with his second Iditarod win, knows and believes that he won to encourage them all, and he would if he could be there at the gate to wave each across.

For now, at the top, the white knight of the north is Mitch Seavey. At 53 years young, Mitch is the oldest person to win the sled race over the snow of our far northern state. Last year, Mitch’s son Dallas was the youngest Iditarod winner. Back-to-back, son-father champions is a tale worth many a telling before a warm winter’s fire with a hot cup of chocolate in hand.

The latest news from Nome is that Son Dallas has finished at #4, 59 seconds behind Jeff King at #3, and 44 seconds ahead of Ray Redington, Jr. who finished at #5. Only 1 minute and 43 seconds separated those three. Folks, that is some very close racing to the line after almost 9 and a half days of hard sledding. My hat is off to the state of Alaska and its hardy and hard-working mushers.


Go Alaska.

Mush on!

Thank you Nome. Thank you Rome.

Remember, you first heard it here, at Uncle Joe Stories:

 Musher and Pope Finish First Together – What a Race!!

March 13, 2013

3 – 13 – 13

Lucky 13

Double Lucky 13

A new pope and a champion musher – on the same day

Lucky Double 13


Grandpa Jim